Sunday, September 26, 2010

The Cat and Her Tricks

My cat. Her strangely irresistible eyes and heartrending purr sets off a little wave of shivering affection in me, and should she lie down on the floor belly-up, do a little wiggle, and look up at me, she will have - without fail - charmed me into dropping whatever I was doing to rub her belly.(I swear, cats are THE. best. pity-me, persuasive, i'll-make-you-love-me creatures. ever.). That crafty little fox, once I actually start to enjoy petting her, she puts on a martyred face fit for a saint as if she was the one making the ever-so-enormous sacrifice by patiently enduring my rubbing and petting/treacly outpouring of affection. Once I get up to leave though, she alarmedly cocks her head and stares at me with such indignance that it is impossible not for me to go back to petting her. Seriously. The cat is SUCH the wily, capricious creature.

...or maybe I'm just too soft at heart? :p

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