Thursday, September 23, 2010

*A/N: There are some slight proportional inaccuracies in this watercolour, but I couldn't find a way to inconspicuously fix it, so I just left it as it is.

This watercolour is supposed to portray the ambience of a street vendor in the roads of Hong Kong. Although I have seen, passed and eaten lots of these stalls and their food, the inspiration for this particular drawing wasn't my own experience. Rather, it was someone's (probably a tourist; how ironic is that!) photograph of an egg puff hawker. I don't really like doing big paintings with watercolour, because the paper gets fuzzy if you rub colour onto it too much and then you can't add any other colours onto it. Another thing about using watercolour is that you have to wait for the first layer of colour to dry if you want to pile another layer of colour on top effectively. This one was no different; I encountered the usual problems. I'm still glad I did it though :)

GOSHH. I was scrutinizing the picture and I find it reallllyyyy reallyyy hard to resist the urge to tweak everything a bit.

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