Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Penguin Watercolour

I did this three years ago. I was trying to cram all my then-newly-learned techniques into this watercolour, hence the dotty blue background and the greenish-brown ground. It's supposed to be two penguins with one of them sitting on their egg. I put this in a box for Mother's Day, coz it symbolizes a family and everything, but then I couldn't finish it before Mother's Day, so whateverrr. lol.

HAPPY MID - AUTUMN!! (to the people who celebrate it)


  1. I like the picture. It's so cozy. I like the colours too. They are so rich - in a simple way, and warm too. The colour tone matches the idea behind the picture - dad and mum joining together to build up a cozy family. Good job.

  2. cool picture, ur such a good artist;)
