Thursday, September 23, 2010

A Long Ramble about Math, Technology, and My Cat

I just found out that long division with indices and algebra is really hard. Like, REALLY. HARD. I spent 20 minutes on one friggin question and I'm about to die with about 19 left to go. I guess I'm just not a math person. Everytime I do math, I get really sleepy, and I'm not even faking it. ~groan~ Oh GOSH and I still need to do boring stuff about tangents and sins and cosins. ARGHHH.

AND my macbook still isn't fixed yet. We were gonna get an iPad, but we still haven't got one yet :( Lots of people say iPad is definitely better than Kindle, but is that true?? It's getting harder and harder to pick the best device, what with all the competition and everything. Now even BlackBerry's gonna unveil a PC Tablet to rival the iPad. ARGHHH choices, choices.

I just noticed how obese my cat is.

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