Friday, September 24, 2010

Portrait of Einstein

This took me AGES :/ Seven hours working with charcoal and grey acrylic is...not the most pleasant notion. 'Specially when your fingers are all black and sooty at the end. I guess it was all worth it though...what do you think?

Note of Randomosity (grand words FTW!) -  My new fav song is "I'm Yours" by Jason Mraz. Obsession kicking in... You done done me and you bet I felt it, I tried to be chill but you so cool that I melted...hmmhumm... Anyway. I will stop humming now and let you escape from the clutches of this crazy blogger now :p


  1. OH. GUSH. THIS IS GOOOOD! guess who this is :P

  2. btw, im not the anonymous above. i'm an anonymous anonymous. teehee:) xx

  3. hai, u know what Artfreak, u are a genius. can't believe that this portrait is from u, amaaaaaaazing :)
