Friday, September 23, 2011


OMG I just installed this AWESOME EPIC...THINGYMAJIGG where you basically sort of write on it. Like, you write chinese on this tablet/glass panel thing and chinese characters the screen? Yeah.
我剛裝好了蒙恬書寫!!! (for those of you who don't know chinese, it basically means the paragraph above.)

See? It takes very little to make moi happy :)

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Hey people!
Throughout my half-year art drought I still managed to make this in art class.
It's a clear sphere with acrylic on it, and it's inspired by Dick Termes, who draws amazing stuff on these spheres which are now dubbed "termespheres". Anyway. Gotta stop myself before I drone on forever about art history. :)

Front view.
Side view.

Back view. view?

View to front from the back.

Yes, that's a lot of pictures. No, I'm not an egocentric, self-loving maniac. (or am I? >:D)
See you guys soon :)
 Hello people.
We meet again.
I didn't post much here for a while because I was really busy changing schools and stuff, but now I'm all settled and heeeheeeoaeiof;iHEEHEE :D *violent laughter*
Anyway. The art program in my new school is SO. MUCH. BETTER. than the one in my previous school! This is a sketch done in chalk pastel. It's basically a section of one of the Australian artist Bruce Sherratt's works which we had to copy for homework. I am now IN LOVE with using chalk pastel. The powdery specks on the paper, smudging with a finger, mixing a galactic number of colours for a tiny part, vibrant hues...absolutely amazing medium. :D

Taken with flash (hence awkward white spot)

Taken without flash (hence muted colour). Oh the woes of bad cameras.
Inspiration: artwork by Bruce Sherratt. SPOT MY SECTION IF YOU CAN :D

So yes. That's it. Toodlydoos!