Friday, December 10, 2010

Exam is Hitler's Middle Name

It's official. I'm released from Auschwitz.


Oh yeah. Oh yeahh. ~hyperdance~ *trying not to think about how well (or rather, how bad) I did*
Here's a lil recap of my two-week isolation + being taken POW by the evil exam monster. I swear, Hitler's middle name is Exam. (Adolf Exam Hitler?) Anyway.

Day 1
It's a holiday before the exams. "Holiday" is now effectively "revision time". Tomorrow's math exam. Math is important. Math is hard. Math needs cramming. Wake up at 10 and reaffirm my own belief in myself. Yeah, I'm those kinds of people who write motivational notes for themselves like "You can do it!" and stick 'em on the mirror. Anyway. Feel like a loser. Work super diligently, and by the end of the day I'd put in more than 10 hours. Not bad! I now feel like a half-loser, as opposed to a full one.

Day 2
YAYY! Math exam is over. This means, PERMISSION TO REST! Besides, I totally kicked ass revising yesterday, right? My rest stretches on and on and on and on and on and...until 8 p.m., basically. The next day's grammar exam, so I'm not TOO concerned, but there are tons of other exams to revise for. I feel guilty. Stay up late trying to revise.

Day 3
Right. Okay. I messed up revision yesterday, I'm kinda screwed today coz I don't have much time, but WHATEVER. Concentrate. Oh no it's CHINESE tomorrow! That's *big sigh*, takes out a chinese book, revises. Nothing seems to actually register in my head. Oh well. I tried. (That's my excuse to make my pathetic self-esteem feel better.)

Day 4
So maybe chinese paper 1 didn't go so well. But the other chinese paper was okay, wasn't it? By this time I wonder how on earth I could be so concentrated revising for the math exam. Anyway, tomorrow's LS and english literature. ARGH. ~cramcramcramcram~
10 minutes later: (In the kitchen wolfing random objects down my throat) What? Eating is a necessity in life.

Day 5, 6
Yay it's the weekend. Boohoo it's revision and revision and revision. <insert the unfortunate, infuriating art episode> OH NO no time for revision! AHH! =.=

Day 7
Cramming for science again.
FINALLY I have another productive day. I spend half of it doing a bit of history prep rather un-serious-ly, and then: OMG It's Four Already! and then seriously starting to revise for science.
Had a few little trips to the internet. Suddenly it was NINE O'CLOCK. I had a bunch of papers and exercises and spare worksheets that I wanted to do, but I now have! *GROWL*
And then the usual guilt kicks in and when I find that I don't know the answer to a question on the exam, I beat myself up.

Day 8
The exterminations in gas chambers HAVE BEGUN. Tomorrow is history and Technology&living. Then it's chinese history and then geography. These subjects = heavy revision required! (danger zone)
 and we have 'em ALL in a row! Life is about making choices and everything, so I decided to ditch technology and living and do history. yeah.
Another late night.

Day 9
I'm beginning to feel it. I get home at 4.30 pm ish due to undisclosed reasons and start revision RIGHT away because if you've ever done chinese history before, you'll know exactly how thoroughly exhausting and energy-draining it is to memorize every nitpicking detail of some bloody king's laws. UGH.
Surprisingly, I manage to concentrate (may I add, very very well - yes I'm tooting my own horn here :p) and finished everything before 12.30 am which is MAJOR BREAKTHROUGHH! woohooo~

Day 10
Of course, everytime I concentrate superduper hard there's always the rebound. Yeah. I come home and mess around for two hours. I try to study to no avail. My brain is refusing to work and instead all the past exam stuff begj  popping up and all I can think about is chinese history. I take a 3 hour nap, get up, panic and start revising till the wee hours of morning. I'm beginning to feel like a beat-up Toyota truck with a malfunctioning engine.

Day 11
I come home. ALL THE MAJOR EXAMS ARE OVER! Now THAT calls for celebration...but not too much yet, because there are five chinese papers due the next day and I haven't started on any one of them yet. Too busy cramming.
Just finished 'em and now I have to brush up on my mandarin cuzza the oral test tomorrow~

Day 12
Oral didn't go so well. I backtracked cuz I read something wrong, which is MAJOR NONO!

Went to sleepover. Did what girls do in sleepovers - hideous makeovers, barbeques, aimless bickering, gossiping. Slept at 3 a.m. Not a good idea. Feel even more like a malfunctioning Toyota.
Can't I be a nice new Subaru for once? Or like, a working Porsche?
Get up early for a lesson.
Brain not working anymore.

~Sorry for the long post! ~ If you're still reading this, TEN AWESOMES FOR STICKING WITH ME! :D