Friday, October 15, 2010

Oh my goshh I have three major tests coming up next week :/
(internet obsession much?)
Anyway. Before I run off to start studying and immerse myself in the vast ocean of unending textbook chapters, I feel the need to announce that,

I'm obsessed with patchwork and sewing. I just never find time to do it. So hopefully, I'm gonna muster enough time and motivation to actually finish the rag quilt :)

Colour ideas, anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Oh. My. Gosh.

    Are you serious? Are all of those pictures you've uploaded to here the drawings you did? You physically did?! If so, permission to SPAZZ! That's so amazing. Those look so professional. I seriously thought I was good at drawing/painting but PFFT! I was WRONG. That is so amazing and... UNREAL. O_O Great job!

    I hate tests. Don't know a single soul who does.

    See, I was in a trend of writing blog posts... I've kinda fallen out of it. It's saddening really.

    Ooh, quilt! :D I would definitely do something colourful and fun! (Despite my possible dark writing style... >.> -.- <.<)Here's an idea, uses pinks, blues, greens, and reds! And yellow!

    Hope that helps. Keep bloggin' and I'll see if I can squeeze some. I just got two books on writing fiction and Science Fiction (my favoured genre) from Barnes and Noble and I'm ready to plunge into those. HOPEFULLY, I'll write something... Eventually...

