Saturday, November 27, 2010

I'm Very. Annoyed.

Okay Okay I know I said I wouldn't post. But something really INFURIATING happened just now and I just HAD to vent, so here it is. (or maybe it's just my excuse to take a break from studying ?)

 As you know, this is my exam period, which means I'm cramming in as much revision time as possible. I'm already short on time with all my extracurricular stuff and jazz exam and speech festival competitions and whatnot, but this exhibition for art that I REALLY REALLY REALLY wanted to do cropped up. The exhibit was due tomorrow since there was a truck coming to pick everything up, so I dashed to art class to finish my project even though I wanted to stay home and revise.
AFTER I finished the freaking project and was real pleased with myself, the instructor told me that because I had been absent for quite some time before (I skipped some classes to cram in more revision time), she didn't think I'd be able to complete it today, and so she hadn't planned on me participating in this exhibition after all. Seriously?! After I'd worked from 11.30 a.m. to 5 p.m. non-stop and actually COMPLETING the project, she tells me that I can't do the exhibit?! I'm angry (and fatigued - but a douse of coffee solved that problem).

The reason was because I had only coated one layer of paint, whereas some other people who weren't absent as much as me the previous few times had time to coat two layers. One layer of paint is apparently "not thick enough". GRRRRR!! This is my EXAM period I'm talking about. I basically wasted 5.5 hours working on some art that could have been done AFTER my exams!
I'm pissed that I can't do the exhibit. And about the fact that the instructor only told me I couldn't do it after I'd completed the project. She had suggested after a few hours that I give up trying to make it, but when I said I really wanted to take part, she just nodded and let me work my butt off for another 2 hours! That's sneaky. I'd rather she told me straight off, before I even started working on the project, that I wasn't even going to be in the exhibition. Such a cow. (Sorry can't resist)
 The instructor told me that she'd wait and see how things turn out and that she'd slot my thing in if possible, but I don't want to "wait and see." I want a guarantee.
GOSH I'm mad. Anyways, crossmyfingers I REALLY REALLY REALLY hope that some miracle will happen or someone will intervene and get my project onto the exhibition!!! I do not want this to be the first year in which I do not participate in an exhibition.
Anyway. -Rant over - I'll be posting the pics of the project up after I get it back. UGH. Oh and I'm not going to be posting for a few weeks cuz it's exams, unless something as infuriating as this pops up again and I just HAVE to post.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010

Artist's Cat

I have a cat. I'm pretty sure you all know that. you? I thought I'd told you! *no response*
 Anywayy. Because I'm procrastinating, I decided to take pictures of everything and anything and blog about random stuff, and then it hit me: I've never posted a picture of my cat before.
So here's the wiggly, spunky artist's cat that has until now remained behind-the scenes :)

She's so adorable! But I'm MORE adorable :p Haha so much for the doting mother.

Anyway, this belongs to an art blog like this because...(my mind is racing to think of something reasonable) because...the camera angle is artistic :) I practically had to lie on the floor to get it!

I should probably do an intro paragraph for my cat so the tabloids can introduce her properly when she rises to fame.

She's called Fafa (lame name - don't ask why) and has the temperament of an over-friendly dog. Whenever someone rings the bloody bell, she dashes out and literally sits right at the door to wait for the door to open. When I come home, she practically collapses onto the ground and starts wiggling around to lure me to her. If I don't pet her tummy, she gives this mournful look (this is how she manipulates me) but when I do, she looks content for about a second and then puts on this martyred expression, as if she's enduring my petting. Such a sly cat.
Oh, and she licks people. Her tongue feels like dry sandpaper, unlike dog's tongues which feel like soppy sponges, so it makes people think that her tongue is really clean, but I shudder to think of where it's been - I've seen her comb herself, including her -ahem- rump. In fact, she does it quite often. Ehh.

Yes, so that's my cat. Anyone else have cute pets?

* I will probably NOT be posting again for some time (around three weeks) since my exams are coming out and I need to revise. Because revising gives high marks. And high marks make me feel good. And I need to feel good because my self esteem is just that low. :) just kidding...

Saturday, November 20, 2010

20 Minute Sketch

Yeah yeah. I haven't posted in a while. I know, I know...
BUT THERE IS A REASON. And this reason is...

wait for it...

a bit more...

nearly there...

drumroll please...

Okay... whatever. It's basically because, well, I've been busy with schoolwork and entry exams and jazz exam and whatnot.
This is basically the period in my life (actually, it's like this all year long) where I have 9 tests a week. Yes, 9 tests. Crazy, right? I sleep at around 12 every night, barely finishing all my school stuff, giving up Nanowrimo in pursuit of getting some shut-eye and not having any time to do what I want. Like art.
All the little 10 minute breaks I get in a day, I use for sitting idly in my chair, all my energy just

Which is why I didn't have time for art.

BUT I finally did two 20 minute sketches, and HERE THEY ARE :)

This is based on a drawing of a baseball glove.

This unifinished drawing of a nun-ish type of woman (not too sure about that) is based on an ink drawing by some unknown artist :) I know she looks a bit like an old hag, but that's probably just my sucky drawing skills.

Alright, I'll admit that they're not exactly the best stuff I've done.

But hey, I did this within 20 minutes and that's prettayy good for such a short time, right? Besides, I'm not a fast artist. I more of a, say, slow person who takes time to draw (that's my excuse to make myself feel better).

Anyway, I'll be completing these sketches and posting the completed stuff up :D
